Letters: Sunscreen Vs. Sunshine, Scary Thoughts, Corrections

Sunscreen And Sunshine

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[Re: Miss Diagnosis, “The Slow Burn,” April 7-13] I am torn about sunscreen’s safety and efficacy. As you pointed out, some of the chemicals in sunscreen are worrisome. I really like the Environmental Working Group’s classification of sunscreens. If anyone gets a chance to check it out, it also covers shampoos, soaps, makeup, you name it. Very little sunscreen qualifies as really safe except the very pasty white sunscreens that never seem to absorb into the skin: Alba Botanica, All Terrain, Blue Lizard, Badger. I have tried these sunscreens and they are great, but take quite awhile to absorb.

The jury is still out on the hype about Vitamin D. Many studies conflict with each other and even experts cannot agree on the replacement doses of Vitamin D. And what is easier than taking Vitamin D and using sunscreen? Plus, the best way to avoid cancers is don’t smoke, drink, keep a normal BMI, exercise and reduce stress.

My recipe is wear that pasty sunscreen, go enjoy the lovely sunshine, take your Vitamin D and stay healthy!

Letters: Frightening Thoughts Frightening Thoughts

Those of you who keep abreast of the impact on our planet due to the natural disaster that has occurred to Japan undoubtedly are aware that the officials in Japan have chosen to deposit radioactive waste within the oceans surrounding the island from the locations of their endangered nuclear power plants. The reports have stated that the level of toxicity was tens of thousands of points above the accepted levels of safety. This action was done in order to protect what was left of the population of Japan from possible future nuclear disaster.

I hope the decision was arrived at after a period if adequate thought. However, after hearing this report I have been thinking, and I hope that all the rest of the official and unofficial peoples of the world are thinking the same thing. For instance:

All life within that part of ocean in an area of several hundreds of miles surrounding the nuclear waste dumping grounds is probably, or soon will be, DEAD!

ALL natural life deriving food and shelter from this area of the ocean will die.

The currents within the surrounding ocean will carry some of the radiation BACK to Japan therefore irradiating the land and whatever water supplied to Japan by these currents. The population of Japan will remain UNSAFE from radiation from these power plants after all.

Beaches will be closed and tourism will be suspended for an indeterminable amount of time. ALL businesses that benefit from tourism will close.

Japan’s fishing industry may as well close their doors due to radioactive contamination.

Our already fragile and polluted oceans are now, or will be, radioactive on some level of other throughout the ENTIRE planet.

The fishing industry EVERYWHERE will be affected by this radioactivity.

An entire food group vital to healthy living is now in jeopardy of being INEDIBLE.

Grocery stores, restaurants may have to stop selling fish entirely.

The entire food industry will be affected, including pet food.

The world’s food chain from the lowest level to the highest will be endangered by this radioactive waste.

Our acid rain will become radioactive as well, thereby contaminating not only the seas and oceans but also our lands. THINK about that one for a while and see how many plants and animals you can come up with that will be affected by the radioactive waste spreading out from Japan’s ocean.

That radioactivity may even pollute the very air we breathe, as if our air was not befouled enough already. There’s something to think about, too.

Every way we look at this, there is something to THINK about. The scientists and economists of the world will now have something to think about for a long time.

Nature has given us a kick in our complacency. Japan has acted whether out of thought, immediate need or desperation, only they can say. NOTHING and NO ONE will ever be the same again.


Corrections: In last week’s Best of Burque issue [April 7-13], the name of artist Joy Shupe was misspelled in Tom Tkach’s community pick. Also, Osuna Nursery, which won Best Plant Nursery, is now run by Tony An.

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via email to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.

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