Better Beards, Magnificent Mustaches

1 min read
Better beards, magnificent mustaches
Elmar Weisser won world’s best beard for the reindeer he sculpted into his facial hair.
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As most folks are aware, the World Beard and Moustache Championships 2011 are going on in Norway. Wait, you didn’t know? The United States won an impressive six gold medals, including one in the largest, most fiercely competitive category: Full Beard Natural.

However, top prize went to
Germany’s Elmar Weisser; he received the honor of best beard. His luscious beard, styled to look like a reindeer, flew right over the competition.

A total of about
150 contestants competed in 14 different categories, from Natural Moustache to Musketeer. Beard Team USA sent a respectable 35 representatives to the world championships. Sadly, there is no chapter in New Mexico. Interested in starting one?

If you haven’t checked out the
Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists, it’s another way to get your hair fix for the day.
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