Midnight Movie Madness

The Last Circus

Devin D. O'Leary
1 min read
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When it comes to freaked-out clowns, ICP has got nothing on Spanish filmmaker Álex de la Iglsia. The fellow has directed some insane cult films ( Acción Mutante, The Day of the Beast), but The Last Circus may be his epic masterpiece of sheer craziness. It’s about a brutal battle of wills between a sad clown and happy clown, both of whom are warring over a carnally inclined circus acrobat. Check out the gorgeous, grotesque trailer over there. Alibi ’s Midnight Movie Madness will be featuring the film this Friday and Saturday night at Guild Cinema. Showtime is 10:30 p.m. only both nights. Tickets are a mere $7. See you there, circus freaks.
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