Mark Vonnegut Speaks Tonight. Free.

Marisa Demarco
2 min read
Mark Vonnegut speaks tonight. FREE.
Mark Vonnegut and his son, Mark Jr. (Barb Vonnegut)
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I interviewed Kurt Vonnegut’s son. He’s also an author, and he documents his experience with mental illness. Just Like Someone Without Mental Illness Only More So is hilarious, wrenching and insightful.

Up front in the book is a note on its title:

When I talk to the National Alliance on Mental Illness and other patient support groups, I take questions at the end. At one talk I was asked, “What’s the difference between yourself and someone without mental illness?”

At another talk I was asked, “how do you make the voices be not so mean?”

I wish I knew.

Art helps him cope.

“It’s really hard to think of something like the arts, where you literally make something out of nothing,” he says. “And then you can say, I am good for something.”

That’s what he’ll be speaking on tonight.

Mark Vonnegut on art and mental illness

Presented by Ideas in Psychiatry

Tuesday, Oct. 4, 6:30 p.m.

UNM Continuing Education Auditorium

1634 University NE


He’s giving another free lecture on psychiatric diagnoses Friday in the late-morning.

Vonnegut on diagnoses

Friday, Oct. 7, 11 a.m.

UNM’s Domenici Center for Health Sciences Education, East Building auditorium, room 1220

1001 Stanford NE

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