
And You Thought Four Loko Was A Bad Idea ...

Sam Adams
1 min read
NutLiquor: Putting the cojones in alcoholism.
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It’s getting late. Been a long day. Getting ready to leave the office. Guess I should check my inbox to see if any last minute suicide threats have come in from my freelancers … OK, all good on that front. Time to go. Wait— what’s this! NutLiquor?!? What in f*@^’s name is NutLiquor? Sounds like something you find in a Silo cup on a bedside table after a frat party. Sounds like— I digress …

Turns out it’s peant butter-flavored vodka. Tagline: “Like Drinking the Inside of a Peanut Butter Cup at 69 Proof!” Hmm. Yum! I’m sold. Just cancelled my trick-or-treating plans, in fact. I’ll be cozying up to a nice NutLiquor highball this Halloween. How about you?
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