A Week In Occupational Hazards

Marisa Demarco
4 min read
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Monday, Oct. 24

• The University of New Mexico announces it will not renew the (Un)occupy Albuquerque permit, which expires the next night. UNM spokesperson Cinnamon Blair tells the
Alibi that the protesters’ info kiosk and kitchen will have to go, but people will be allowed to hoist their signs during the university’s business hours. UNM’s concern is the homeless people who are attracted to the camp’s free food and blankets, as well as crime at the site, according to Blair.

• In Albany, N.Y., officers
refuse to arrest occupiers, despite pressure from the mayor and governor. Police know policing, says an anonymous officer.

Tuesday, Oct. 25

• The Albuquerque Police Department, State Police and UNM Police Department arrest 31 people who remain in Yale Park after the permit’s 10 p.m. expiration. Alibi contributor Andrew Beale is among those arrested. Most are released the following day.

Oakland police try to clear out the occupation with tear gas and other less-than-lethal weapons. Scott Olsen, a 24-year-old Iraq War veteran, is struck by a police projectile that fractures his skull, according to reports. He can no longer speak due to brain damage but can write brief messages. As of press time, he remains hospitalized.

Atlanta police clear an encampment using tear gas and beanbag guns. They arrest 50 people.

Wednesday, Oct. 26

• Protesters gather at Yale Park during UNM’s business hours for the daily 6 p.m. general assembly meeting. UNM police tell demonstrators they have to leave. One person is arrested, and scores of occupiers cross the street to continue the meeting and protest. A student sitting on a bench in the park reading a book is also detained for criminal trespassing. The department tells the Alibi that police reports are unavailable due to the heavy workload burdening the force.

Thursday, Oct. 27

• The American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico announces it will demand (Un)occupy Albuquerque protesters be allowed to return to UNM campus.

Donald Trump tells CNN he thinks Occupy Wall Street is "cool." There’s something he likes about it, he says. He blames the bad economy on the president and politics.

Friday, Oct. 28

Las Cruces demonstrators begin their occupation.

Saturday, Oct. 29

The City of Albuquerque says demonstrators are welcome in city parks but only when they’re open. Protesters can’t stay overnight.

Denver police try to remove tents at Civic Center Park, which results in a violent clash. About 20 people are arrested. Most get out of jail the next day.

Sunday, Oct. 30

Occupiers agree to apply for permit to hold daily general assembly meetings at UNM.

Monday, Oct. 31

• The ACLU of New Mexico brokers a deal between demonstrators and UNM. (Un)occupy Albuquerque can hold outdoor activities on weekdays from 5 to 10 p.m. through Friday, Nov. 4, at Yale Park. The protesters can also meet from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Food, electricity and amplified sound are banned, says spokesperson Blair.

Occupy Oakland calls for a general citywide strike to take place on Wednesday, Nov. 2. Fifteen crates of medical supplies are returned to the camp after being confiscated on Tuesday.

• Occupy Rio Rancho kicks up at 7 a.m., demonstrating at Southern and Unser for the morning commute.

Tennessee says it won’t enforce a curfew on the Occupy Nashville protesters in the capital. Since Thursday, the curfew has been used as grounds to arrest more than 50 people. Demonstrators take Gov. Bill Haslam to federal court and request a restraining order, saying the curfew and the resulting arrests violate the First Amendment.

Tuesday, Nov. 1

• (Un)occupy Albuquerque protester Sebastian Pais completes a full week of fasting. He’s living on OJ and broth and says he will continue his hunger strike until UNM President David Schmidly agrees to talk with demonstrators.

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