Council Watch: Change The Channel

Carolyn Carlson
2 min read
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Supporters of Quote … Unquote, Inc., showed up in force at the Monday, Nov. 7 City Council meeting.

QUQ operates public access TV channel 27 and Encantada channel 26. Late last month, the nonprofit was told it was out of a gig, and a five-year contract was awarded to

QUQ Executive Director Steve Ranieri told the Council, “We have some serious problems with the bidding process.” In an interview with the
Alibi , he said experience was weighted less than usual, which handed uPUBLIC an edge [“End Quote?” Nov. 3-9, 2011].

Other commenters at the Council meeting expressed dismay at the loss of many long-standing shows. Others talked about how it seemed city administration has been contentious with QUQ during the last few months. Nan Sanchez spoke passionately about her show, which is aimed at people, like her, with developmental disadvantages. “I have had a show for the last seven years,” Sanchez said. “I ask you guys to support channel 27. I’m serious.”

This issue was not on the agenda, but the Council will have to approve it before it goes into effect. Councilors did not take up the issue at this meeting, and it is not clear where they stand on the change.

Council Watch:

The next meeting is set for 5 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 21, in the Council Chambers in the basement of City Hall.

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