Alibi Picks: ¡Cumpleaños Feliz!

Adam Fox
1 min read
ÁCumplea–os Feliz!
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El Camino Real International Heritage Center, a six-year-old state monument sandwiched between Socorro and T or C, is turning back the clock a few years—OK, like 150—to get a glimpse of the early years. Saturday’s Centennial Kickoff commemorates New Mexico’s 100 th anniversary and the 150 th anniversary of the Civil War in New Mexico. From 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., the monument gets all living history on us as Civil War re-enactors demonstrate what life might have been like during the bloodiest battle on American soil, including a staging of the Battle of Canada Alamosa. Admission is $5, free for children 16-and-under and U.S. military veterans. For more, call the center at (575) 854-3600 or visit
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