The State Of Public Access Tv

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
WhatÕs going on with public access TV?
( gbaku )
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The cable board jumped into the fray over the city’s public access TV. Quote … Unquote, Inc. is fighting to retain the contract it’s held for 30 years, even though the nonprofit is scheduled to hand over the reins to uPUBLIC at the end of March.

Comcast pays the city 40 cents per customer each month for the right to lay line in Albuquerque. The cash goes to fund public, educational or government stations—like public access channel 27 and Encantada TV channel 26. The cable board oversees those funds. But it didn’t have a say in who would be awarded the contract for those channels—and that’s something Martin Ethridgehill, chairman of the cable board, would like to rectify.

So in early January, the board reviewed the applications from QUQ and uPUBLIC, and voted unanimously to back QUQ.

It’s all in the hands of the City Council now. The issue isn’t on
tonight’s meeting agenda, but that can change.
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