Rowdy’s Dream Blog #235: The Monster Slices The Guy Down The Front Of His Left Leg From Crotch To Ankle.

Brutus De Cervantes
1 min read
RowdyÕs Dream Blog #235: The monster slices the guy down the front of his left leg from crotch to ankle.
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I am recounting my recent dreams to someone. I describe one in which I am a scrod fisherman. My crew and I drive in a fast boat on a moonless night. We have a kind of net/sock suspended below the hull. Our spotlight attracts the scrod and they are trapped in the net. They are carnivorous with sharp teeth and they devour each other in the net, transforming our catch into a bloody mass. I sell the bag of bloody flesh to an old woman with a shopping cart for $500. As I recount the dream, I see talking seals and dinosaurs gathered around a shallow lagoon. As we approach, some of the dinosaurs scatter. My character attacks a huge dino-hippo, stabbing with a small knife into its enormous belly. Annoyed, the monster takes the knife away and slices the guy down the front of his left leg from crotch to ankle, returning to finish the knee. In the next scene he is recovering in a beautiful country girl’s bed.
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