Alibi Picks: Nerd Stars

Sam Adams
1 min read
Nerd Stars
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John Green is the literary-blogger’s equivalent of the rapper Twista. Watch his self-interviews on and you’ll see what I mean. He and his brother, Hank, are also head warriors of a movement known as "Nerdfighting," which, as I understand it, entails geeks doing things that are cool, as opposed to doing things that are uncool. In addition, John is the acclaimed author of several young-adult books, including the recently released The Fault in Our Stars . It deals with teenage cancer and is based on his years as a chaplain in a children’s hospital. Hank and John bring their Tour de Nerdfighting to the KiMo tonight at 7 p.m. Purchasing the new book at Alamosa Books gets you a ticket to the show. Call 797-7101 for more details.
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