Thank you so much for the article and interview on Lynette’s Burque [Feature, “She’s Got a Moch,” March 1-7]. I am a true Burqueño and proud of it. Even though I studied language and linguistics back East, I had to come back and live here. At the risk of "using big words to make me sound smart," she encapsulates the Albuquerque lingo, and we all know someone who talks like her video or interview. I loved it and I say, "You go, La Lynette." I would totally pay to see you in concert or invite you over for "a sangwich and a Coke." I don’t think you should pay attention to your critics about DWI on your video. It was just tongue-in-cheek comedy and nobody should take it that seriously.
Letters: Where’s The News? Where’s The News?
I am glad you no longer claim to be the "best newspaper in Albuquerque" on your masthead, because in order to be the best newspaper in Albuquerque, you would first have to be a newspaper. Did the Journal buy you? Or did some real estate dealer from Miami Beach buy you to turn you into a PennySaver? Now that you have turned your paper over to insipid covers like "Oscar party" [Feature, “Statue of Limitations: Oscar snubs and surprises of 2012,” Feb. 23-29] and where to buy your valentine some chocolates [Arts Feature, “The Alibi’s Ninth Annual Valentine’s Day Card Contest,” Feb. 9-15], we are truly beholden to the Journal’s Republican humdrum. Or make a trip to campus to pick up Albuquerque’s actual best newspaper, put together by a bunch of teenagers whose salaries are in the three digits.If you want to continue calling yourselves a newspaper, you need to include some news coverage. You can’t rely on "Ask a Mexican," Rob [Brezsny] and "The Straight Dope" to produce the controversy for you.
Letters: Dirty Water Dirty Water
[Re: News, “From Toilet to Tap,” Feb. 23-29] The idea of “toilet to tap” has been long in coming to New Mexico. There are many ways we can reuse gray and treated water in our communities, most of which have been killed by simple ignorance and inertia.Some years ago Albuquerque [started] using non-potable water to water city parks and golf courses. This elicited outrage from parents who objected to their children playing on grass watered with “sewage.” Apparently they were unaware that the same grass is “fertilized” daily with dog urine and feces.As for Rio Rancho, the city doesn’t take water from the Rio Grande, and so doesn’t need to return any. A certain amount of runoff is factored into the water budget for the Rio Grande, and some water conservation measures proposed for Rio Rancho might reduce this, but that’s a different issue.As for the concerns of the Agua es Vida Action Team (and apparently, but not clearly why, Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping): OK, so the EPA standards are out of date, but they still govern the water we drink today. Water does not go directly from “toilet to tap”; if what is pumped from the aquifer doesn’t meet standards, whatever its source, it is treated to do so. If anyone’s concern is for overall water quality, they should address that issue with the EPA.
Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via email to They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.