Alibi Picks: Lent Me Your Ears

Sam Adams
1 min read
Lent Me Your Ears
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George Frideric Handel composed "Messiah," a choral ode to the life and ascension of Jesus Christ, more than two and a half centuries ago. It remains the go-to piece at Catholic churches for the liturgical calendar of Lent, which runs through April 7 this year. Polyphony: Voices of New Mexico is performing the piece tonight at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. at The Cathedral Church of St. John (318 Silver SW). Even if you’re not inclined toward fasting or penance, you can take joy in hearing New Mexico’s most acclaimed choral ensemble echoing a classic. "Messiah" is conducted by Maxine Thévenot, Polyphony’s artistic director and Cathedral Church of St. John’s director of cathedral music.
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