Crimes Of The Anasazi: Getting Busted In Downtown’s Embattled High-Rise

Ty Bannerman
1 min read
Crimes of the Anasazi: Getting busted in DowntownÕs embattled high-rise
(Eric Williams
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It wasn’t a good idea. We knew that at the time, but I guess we thought we would get away with it.

On March 23, 2011, Mike Smith and I took the bus down Central through Albuquerque’s neon-lit Downtown. We were headed toward the Anasazi building. At nine stories tall, it towered over other buildings on the block, and its pueblo-influenced, multitier design gave its dark, empty windows romantic intrigue. Could we get in? What was inside? What would it be like to be one of the few people who had looked out of those lofty windows?

Near the very top of its eastern face, there was a tantalizing sign that entry was possible: A graffiti rainbow coursed from the rooftop down the bare side. If that artist could get in, so could we. We didn’t think about what would happen if we got caught; we just wanted to
see it from the inside.
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