The Daily Word In A Klingon Wedding, Lance Armstrong, Sandia Fire

E.J. Maliskas
1 min read
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Swedish couple makes history by partaking in what is believed to be the first Klingon-style wedding ceremony.

Election polls show
Romney in the lead nationally, but Obama ahead among Hispanic voters.

Chimney Fire in the Sandias is 25% contained.

Remember that poor
puppy last week who just could not get up? Well, he finally did.

Good news for
Breaking Bad fans: AMC is back on Dish Network.

Lance Armstrong officially stripped of his seven Tour de France titles.

Night of Too Many Stars raises over $3 million for autism efforts. And when you get that many funny people together, silly moments are sure to occur.

Lobos are 4 and 4 after a surprising loss to the Air Force Falcons.

We think
Adele had a baby.

This über hipster put out an ad seeking a person in an
owl costume to watch over her as she sleeps.

Beluga whale mimics human sound patterns.

Albuquerque city worker is accused of killing a state representative’s son.

Teen arrested for attempting to rob a Wal-Mart … oh, and she brought her
6-year-old brother along too.

election tweets.

Honesty really is the best policy.
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