Council Watch: Shop Local

Carolyn Carlson
1 min read
Shop Local
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Putting together next year’s municipal budget will be manageable—but not easy, according to the city’s top bean-counter. Gerald Romero, budget director, said gross receipts are down. The 2012 budget was put together projecting growth in gross receipts tax revenue. Romero said with eight more months left in this fiscal year (which ends June 30) there is still hope for retail sales to rebound.

Councilor Ken Sanchez encouraged city residents to shop at local stores this holiday season. “Invest back into your community,” he said.

The Council also postponed the sale of two of the city’s oldest fire stations. Councilor Isaac Benton proposed taking a little more time to evaluate whether it would be better to find another civic purpose for the buildings.

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The next meeting

Monday, Dec. 3, 5 p.m.

Council Chambers in the basement of City Hall

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