Letters: Don Schrader’s Latest, Responses To Article By Sean Eskeli

Whose Children Are Victims?

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Are children in Afghanistan who are massacred by United States drone strikes less human than the children massacred in Sandy Hook?

Are children in Palestine who are massacred by United States helicopters less precious than the children massacred in Sandy Hook?

Do the families of Iraqi children massacred by United States bombs suffer less agony than the families of children massacred in Sandy Hook?

When would it be right for another nation to murder our children? If never, how can it be right for the United States to murder their children?

Is the United States mass murder of thousands of children in many nations for decades less evil than the insane gunman’s mass murder of 20 children in Sandy Hook?

We have paid NO federal income tax for over 20 years! We refuse to pay for the United States to massacre multitudes of moms, dads and children.

Letters: Response To Article By Sean Eskeli Response To Article By Sean Eskeli

Sean Eskeli’s article touched a chord in me, perhaps because I have had a fear of homelessness.

To see what the life is like, I have waited in lines with homeless people. I have observed the humility he speaks of, the mutual support, the acceptance of new arrivals, the mutual respect, the rambling about possibles, the bolstering of weak egos. Twice I have observed the food served, commonly termed "empty carbs,” which fills the stomach and of itself breeds humility.

By the grace of God I am not homeless now, but wondered if in some regard I feel as if I might be a possible candidate? And how would that be? Could it have to do with experiences growing up? Could conditions that underlie homelessness really originate during childhood development (while later, realities of life and society serve as triggers to actual homelessness)? In conversations with homeless people, I have wondered if they might have grown up feeling different and possibly rejected because of that, or separated by insecurity in the home situation—perhaps with a parent who was terrifying or inconsistent—perhaps with parental attitudes that were disempowering, judgmental, or domineering?

If Sean Eskeli will "need to engage the homelessness about themselves," perhaps one avenue might be to look at possible seeds of homelessness, in those (homeless people) who care to think about it—where do they think it originated in their own life?

A director of a program that served the homeless once told me that the culture (‘brotherhood’) among the homeless is very strong, and that typically after about three months of homelessness a person is encultured, and often becomes hooked by that. There is instant acceptance into this brotherhood by virtue of homelessness; no credentials whatsoever required—no achievements, no status, no material worth, no talent, no power plays, no elegant personas, etc. One is accepted at the floor level. And might the "unity" of this culture attempt to meet some deep need for unconditional belonging, acceptance, support—some need for the unpretentiousness of just being, and that being okay—that has been gnawing for some time?

Letters: Voice Of The Homeless Voice Of The Homeless

Thank you for publishing Sean Eskeli’s opinion piece; "A View from the Street" in your January 10-16, 2013 issue.

It was insightful, heartfelt, and truly a view from the street. Thank you for giving the voice of the homeless space to be heard. Hopefully this will become a regular occurrence.

You guys are often exhibiting the best of what journalism is all about.

God Bless Ya’ll.

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via email to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.

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