Rowdy’s Dream Blog #288: A Woman Takes My Tacos Away.

Brutus De Cervantes
1 min read
RowdyÕs Dream Blog #288: A woman takes my tacos away.
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G and I are in Taos at dusk. We watch a jeep Wagoneer perform a jump from a dirt road off a hill and over some water. We then go to a fancy Mexican buffet. There are circular bas-relief carvings in the patio floor and walls. I get a plate of tacos. G gets green chili enchiladas that I had not noticed. Our waitress, a gray-haired woman, takes my full plate from me, ostensibly to bring me some enchiladas instead. She does not return. I try to hunt her down. I find some of the other wait staff and describe her to them. They point and I find her hiding behind a door. She gives an unintelligible excuse. I go up to the pretty cashier, who informs me that they are now closed. I go upstairs onto the roof. The food is now gone – only empty tables and steam trays remain.
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