I’m Happy When It’s Sad

Study Concludes Sad Music Evokes Positive Emotions

Mark Lopez
2 min read
IÕm Happy When itÕs Sad
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A group of researchers from Tokyo University of the Arts and RIKEN Brain Science Institute have decided to tackle an interesting subject: Why do we love sad songs? It’s a valid question, considering many sad songs have entered the top-40 and kept listeners on their toes while belting out minor chords over hopeless lyrics. Adele’s “Someone Like You” is one example that comes to mind. These researchers not only wanted to discuss the various reasons why people listen to sad music but also to see if they could pinpoint certain characteristics within the music that pique certain emotions.

They had 44 volunteers listen to two pieces of sad music and one piece of happy music, and they basically came to the conclusion that sad music actually made people feel more positive about their own lives. They concluded that while the volunteers listened to these despairing, emotionally-driven opuses, they found “sad music to be more tragic, less romantic, and less blithe than they felt themselves while listening to it,” according to an article in
Science Daily. So maybe we do listen to sad music to realize how good we have it?

This got me thinking about what sad songs I enjoy listening to, or better yet, got me thinking what my favorite sad song is. As a music journalist, that’s a hard question to answer because I like different things at different times. But one sad song that did come to mind was Joanna Newsom’s “Go Long,” from her 2010 album
Have One On Me . It’s one of those songs that if you see her play it live, it utterly kills you. I witnessed the most rough-looking dudes crying like babies when the song was over. I don’t cry when I hear it, but I do really enjoy it. It’s a beautiful number that dissects the “Bluebeard” story in its most poetic, morbid sense. But now I’m curious … what’s a notable sad song for you?
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