"I Saw You" Picking Up My Lettuce And Handing Me My Cilantro

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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I Almost killed You Saturday Night at the Corner of Lomas and Carlisle

To the guy I almost ran over Saturday evening around 8:30: I had a green light. You waited for me to get into the intersection and then leaped in front of my car and dashed across the road. Suicidal? Mentally ill? Do you get off on near-death experiences? Not kosher at all. Thank your lucky stars I was sober and going the speed limit. I really almost killed you. Vehicular manslaughter is a terribly traumatizing burden to bear even if you manage to avoid jail time. You’re a real asshole.

Dancing at Pueblo Indian Cultural Center

I have seen you 3 or 4 times there. We have exchanged glances and smiles many times. I can not believe I have not asked you to dance.

Last Friday you were wearing a white top and blue jean shorts. A beautiful smile and blonde hair. Hope I see you at Low Spirits Friday for Ryan McGarvey.

You Picked Up My Lettuce and Gave Me My Cilantro

Thanks for picking up my lettuce and handing me my cilantro I’d dropped in the Smith’s parking lot. I’m sorta a MILF and I thought you were exceptionally gorgeous in a 70’s Richard Gere sorta way. Only better. RaaaAAWRRRR.

Red Prius Man Heading to Zen

Red Prius Man with the big smile, your Zen class brings you closer to me. I want more and I KNOW you do too.
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