The Daily Word In Guns & Ammo, Typhoon Haiyan And Stupid Vacations

The Daily Word In Guns & Ammo, Typhoon Haiyan And Stupid Vacations

Carl Petersen
1 min read
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Strongest. Storm. Ever.

Measles and mumps are getting the band back together.

Guns & Ammo magazine fired their editor for writing a pro-gun control editorial.

When will
Star Wars: Episode VII come out?

It’s harder to sit through a
full-movie GIF than a full movie.

Traveling is lame.

app makes your pet talk. “I’m calling PACA!”

Irritatingly skittish
meerkats are frightened by scraping noises.

Mexico City’s punk scene explained.

Imagine the life of an
aging superhero.

When’s the
best time to drink coffee?

Desperately seeking comrade.

Homeland Security is interested in an APD officer.

Meet the
muckers of Solid Waste.

First it was train whistles. Now it’s the
beeping batting cage.

Happy birthday
Tara Reid. We got you a Sharknado.
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