Alibi Staff To Enjoy Nob Hill Shop And Stroll

And So This Is Festivus, And What Have You Done: Another Year Over And A New One Just Begun...

rudy carrillo
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The holidays have crept up upon us, much like, one supposes, Newman has often crept up on an unwitting Jerry and his pals. So too has one of our favorite yearly diversions, the annual Nob Hill Shop and Stroll. Since time immemorial, (well…at least for the past few years) Alibi staffers have greeted this harbinger of holiday hoopla by ensconsing themselves at the Monte Vista Fire Station upstairs bar to pour libations as a prelude to partaking in one of the most lively community events in this town. Beginning at about 5:00 pm tomorrow, the second day of December, most of us will make the trek from our downtown fortress to our old stomping grounds in Nob Hill (remember kids, the Alibi used to be located in Nob Hill) to drink, eat, shop and make merry!

So, if you've ever wondered what Michael Henningsen looks like without his “Space Ace” makeup on, or just how much Rudy Carrillo has come to resemble Diego Rivera in the past year, or whether Jeremy McCollum can still do a no-comply whilst blindfolded or whether Gwyneth Doland DOES bring Riblet with her wherever she goes, join us for one of the most fun events this holiday season (besides the Festivus Feats of Strength, time and location TBA).

The Annual Nob Hill Shop and Stoll begins at 5:00 pm and continues until 10:00 pm, Thursday December 2, on Central Avenue between Girard and Morningside (but we'll be at the bar by 4 pm).

See you there!

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