The Way Of All Flesh: Erotic

All Entries, Unedited

6 min read
The Way of All Flesh: Erotic
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there once was a man

from nantucket who had a

sudden end of po’m


Saw My First Burlesque

Lots of Drama And No Mess

Interesting Acts

–Jenise Borrasso

The senior citizens

Kama Sutra. Position One

The walker.

We wear each other out

with sex games then

smile at the referee

The safest place for me,

where night folds between

your legs like raven wings

I want to bury myself

in you. That was a metaphor

for sex.

I will greet your morning

thighs like sunrise, warm your fields

with milk and seed.

Your kiss is rosewater.

Your knees stained with clover.

You bloom in my mouth.

I want to trade skin.

Yours calls mine like old friends.

Let’s begin with the lips.

Eat my fingerprints

so that I can fall into you

with every touch

Speak to me in tongues

loved one, and whisper rivers

against my dry skin

Your fingers touch my shadow

like sunlight through tree leaves

when you kiss me.

–Zachary Kluckman

suck me give me marks

leave a map of the places

you’ve already been


Chicks dig me a lot.

That’s why I’m such a menace

to society.

–Rudy Tomjanovitch

Now that "that’s" over,

I am going to shower

Why are you still here?

–Eli Stewart

I know you can’t drive.

Here, take this seven dollars.

Go catch a bus home.

–Eli Stewart

Puritan maidens

maketh mine spirit quicken

and I feel ashamed.

–Jordan Ganz

Fingertips skim skin

Read lines of gooseflesh brail

Eyes closed, mouth agape

Beneath the pink waves

His tongue glides, endless searching

Fleshy seas shudder


viewing your skin there

fantasy falls in weakness

both our bodies fade

–TaJuana Williams

I wrote a Haiku

It was our fun thing to do

My girl said lets screw.

–Dennis L. Gray

You thought I could help

Turning into what turned you

into what you are.

–Laura Weisberg

Velvet, leather and lace

Every time I touch your face

I spiral downward

–Leesa McVay

Sex changes as you

age,explosions implode so

Viva Viagra !

–Rochelle Ginsberg

I looked at your face,

Bad booze, threw up in my mouth.

Do you love me less?

–Ray Nance

Hungry mouth agape

Moist and hot, waiting for more

Twenty minutes long

–Graham Gentz

Click on my button.

Scroll your tongue down my body.

Put away your phone.

–Kim Adonna

Meet me at noon, dear

in my bed, under my sheets

your fingers in me.

–Kim Adonna

He looks like Jacob

From Twilight, until shirtless.

Run: Michelin Man!

–Scarlett Owen


Huge full moon blushes

rose, while bouncing off purple

foothills into night.

–Denise Claeys

veins trace blue rivers

(hands resting in the grass)

between his and mine

–Ian K

Gazing at the moon

the howling coyote

humps a roadrunner

–angel jimenez

Deep down you’re East Coast

your erotic poem ends

with feeling ashamed

–Chris Chapin

kiss you tenderly

while I make you sore inside

just the way you like

–Chris Chapin

Dream-belly buttons

And dirty panty shopping

It is wild in there

–Mandy woods

scratch it right there please

oh oh that feels wonderful

a little bit more?

–Mark Nolan

Just received a sext,

with all your clothes on the floor,


–Callan D. Moore

All my thoughts are there

Pressed against his gorgeous skin

Licking and biting

–Ren O

I pulled him on top

Breathing heavily, he knew

Faster, we resumed

–Ren O

Yield and flow my skin

Height of ecstasy runs course

Through veins of slow flood

–Shelley Barratt

Autumn winds whisper,

The spring buds of your breasts moan:

“Take the long way home.”

–Bird Jaguar

lustful thoughts of Jen

i long to see her naked

what i wouldn’t do

–todd eddy

which is more subtle

her breasts, or her rounded ass

my hands will soon know

–todd eddy

before a mirror

running a brush through wet hair

her robe slides open

–todd eddy

white breasts, like full moon

shining in the darkened knight

lifts the spirit high

–todd eddy

sweet angel midnight

his wavy locks hanging down

sensuous body

–todd eddy

Hi there, can I get

A large drug dealer Combo

With highs on the side

–Jamie Phillips


I See you coming,

unknowingly into my web.

My love, forever just mine.


Just the other day?

Was alone I screamed your name ?

When I came. Your name.

–Jill Hutchison

please bury your tongue

in this body’s knowledge

depths only you’ll go

–Jill hutchison

seeking solace, I

slide my lies in you,hearing

truth when you cry out

–albuquerque turkey

the salt of my tears

is washed clean, crisp, away by

the salt of your skin

–albuquerque turkey


The erotic sense of breath

that comes before mouth

–Gabe Montoya

She wants the big D

I am gonna pull her long hair

I’ll pussy punch it

–Antonio Cabrera

Rise to the moment

Opportunity awaits

Two happy endings

–Bill Diven

Prairie of goosebumps

sprout from your red nails’ caress,

so does hardwood tree

–Larry Elmore

Your closeness casts spell,

yearning anticipation…

caress of wet lips

–Larry Elmore

The smell of you, like

a Botticelli painting,

like green chile roasting

–Richard Wolfson

Trees bare and straining

against tense white sky your tan

line not yet faded.

–Amaris Ketcham

your hands hold me down

when you bury me alive

i think i love you

–emily parker

Oh Baby don’t stop

you are making me crazy

love you so deeply

–Chris Patchett

Roses are red and

Money is green. I love your

Legs and what’s between.

–Kevin WetSpot

Six fingers on one

Hand. Is this a birth defect

Or marital aid?

–Kevin WetSpot

One time, I farted

Into a man’s mouth, then he

Blew me a French kiss.

–Kevin WetSpot

Her knees together

‘Til John Donne’s profane lyric

Makes our limbs sacred

–Peter B. Ives

I love you so much!

(Hope the whore with whom you left

Loves you even more.)

–Kevin WetSpot

Giving her the eye

As Ishmael Reed conjured

"Reckless eyeballing"

–Peter B. Ives

My kiss finds its spot

Her teeth tugging on her lip

she exhales … smiling

–Mark E. Lujan

Ease my swollen pride

dizzy in the afterglow

rapidly breathing

Shadows on your skin

dimples above your buttocks

legs lead to heaven

–Matthew Thompson

Ay me so horny

Will you give my flute a toot

Pucker lips and blow

Succulent round mounds

Circumscribed with many pounds

Throb, sweat, pulsing sounds

Honeysuckle dew

and pussywillow kisses

Push, push in the bush

Your apple bottom

Provokes much breast stroking

And … pelvic stroking

Fellatio and

cunnilingus tongue twista

8:31 squared

To hold you so tight

I thrust, as you grasp me too


As the roadrunner funs

Purple skies highlight

our watermelon mounts

–Jamal Molina

All Haiku Contest Winners

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