"I Saw You" While Out Shopping

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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“I’m shopping around for something to do that no one will like.” –Jerry Garcia | Reply or see more “I Saw You” ads at alibi.com/personals.


In the millisecond in which our shopping carts touched in the South Valley, enchantment ensued : YOU were a sleepy-eyed, willowy blonde worthy of Botticelli. Amazingly, you noted that the "Whole Cut-Up Chicken" in my cart had three legs and only one breast. Quick on my feet, as usual, I suggested that it was a polydactyl fowl which had undergone a mastectomy. You chuckled politely but, with unseemly haste, hotfooted to the Express Checkout Line, never to be seen again.

Pretty in pink at Pawn City

Pretty in pink on a Thursday, with sea shells to sell. So sweet and nice, I wish to see you again. If that’s alright. Groovie Ghoulie! Love my bracelets.

I saw you at Sais Food Mart

Grouchy store clerk was being very rude ’cause you checked your eyebrows in the mirror. You were in shorts and I had a grey sweater. We spoke outside about how rude he was. We were heading different directions after we crossed the street. Should’ve asked your number, wasn’t thinking. Hope I’ll run into you again.
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