"I Saw You" At Calibers

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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"Love is like handing someone a gun, having them point it at your heart, and trusting them to never pull the trigger." –Michael Gardner | Reply or see more “I Saw You” ads at alibi.com/personals.

Ravishing Cyclist on Tramway

Sunday afternoon on Tramway. Beautiful ride, I said. The Specialized was nice, but I was really in awe of your speed and form. Slowing down to keep your 35mph pace, I imagined riding with you that afternoon. I simply can’t get you out of my head. I have dreamt of you every day since. One day I hope to ride with you, insofar as by some miracle I could keep up with that mesmerizing ponytail … somehow, I’m sure it would end with a kiss.
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Calibers Admirer or Casanova?

I was there on a first date today 5/17 with a wonderful man, but couldn’t help noticing your interest in me. Even he noticed and couldn’t stop talking about it, lol. Is it bad I’m thinking more of you than him tonight? Is it bad that I’d like to see you again? I wonder if you are interested for the right reasons, or are you just a Calibers Casanova? I think you are sexy and I like the way you look at me. When you came up behind me and helped me steady my pistol, I melted in your hands… View ad

Devil’s Tongue—An Expression is Born!

Thank you Habanero Peppers, New Mexico for growing them, and Suzie for growing me and for allowing me to coin the expression "Devil’s Tongue!" See it at Urban Dictionary. It was much more fun engaging in it than giving it a name, though! ;oP View ad
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