Just Healthcare!

Tim McGivern
2 min read
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Since our piece on Dr. Andru Ziwasimon, Alma Olivas and Sylvia Ledesma appeared last week, I've received a steady flow of emails and phone calls from people wanting to learn more about the South Valley health clinic these folks founded in September. Although all other organizations mentioned in our “Heroes of 2004” feature included contact info, the number for Just Healthcare was conspicuously absent. Who knew that I'd receive calls from people with an eye infection, toe inflammation or colic-stricken baby wanting to make an appointment? And then there was a nurse who wanted to volunteer and an Albuquerque resident who posted the story on www.dailykos.com blog. The posting led to an out-of-state doctor wanting to volunteer at the clinic as well.

It was Dr. Ziwasimon's request that we not publish the clinic phone number, which I think is actually his cell phone, because he is attending a medical conference in California until Jan. 8. The clinic also did not want to turn any patients away, and I believe they are currently getting a full load of walk-ins just from word-of-mouth referrals.

The story further illuminates the point already touched upon in the article—that our American health care system is irrational and incompetent when it comes to offering primary care to the people that need it the most. We'll try to follow-up on the clinic's work in the next few months for more info.

Meanwhile, I felt sorry as hell listening to a crying baby in the background, as a young woman asked me if I could help her get an appointment.

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