Give Blood, You Selfish Bastards!

Resolve To Start The New Year By Saving A Life Or Two ...

Michael Henningsen
2 min read
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Want to do something really meaningful in 2005? All you have to do is endure a little needle stick and give a pint of the red stuff that flows through your veins. It doesn't cost you a penny, your body replenishes what's taken within 12 hours and the blood you give could—check that—will save a life, most likely right here in New Mexico.

Hyatt Hotels of New Mexico is hosting its Winter Blood Drive For Life this Thursday, Jan. 6 at the Downtown Hyatt Regency (Third Street and Tijeras NW) from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sign up by calling (800) 333-8037 ext. 232 or by visiting (sponsor code: Hyatt).

Not only will you be doing something honorable and for the greater good of mankind, you'll have the opportunity to meet Hot 95.1's Chaz Malibu (ask him if that's his real name) in the morning hours, and the chance to win T-shirts and other prizes, including a one-night stay at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort, Sunday brunch at the Hyatt, Santa Fe Opera tickets, New Mexico Symphony Orchestra Tickets, car washes and much more! The blood you give could be the blood you'll one day need.

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