"I Saw You" At California Pastrami

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.” –Albert Einstein | Reply for free or see more “I Saw You” posts at alibi.com/personals.

S&M I wanna give u fever again

I thought I gave you fever. I dont know what happened and why we are apart. I love u and I will do anything it takes to get us back to us. I wanna give u fever again. I am getting me better. Eat stormy toes.
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Noo Yorkah @ California Pastrami

You didn’t like the pastrami, which you said tasted like it had been sautéed. But baby, one look at that little Crystal Bottoms-like face, green eyes, blonde hair, pale skin, and those succulent hams, and I knew I wanted to ask you if you’d like to make some bacon together. Ooh, baby! You got back, and I want it! :oP
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Where’d the bullet holes come from?

On Christmas eve, saw you outside Circle K in white truck with bullet holes(?). You were sitting on the passenger side. Glimpsed at you and thought you were super hot. Hit me up if you’d like to grab a beer sometime.
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I was an asshole at the Hobbit showing

Century 24 / Hobbit 3D showing around 1pm. I got mad (irate really) because y’all didn’t stop talking. After shushing multiple times, I left but not before exploding.

That was wrong of me. I’m sorry for reacting the way I did and I felt like an asshole the minute I walked out of the theatre. My apologies. Seriously, regardless of whether you were wrong or not, I should never have gone off like that.
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