"I Saw You" At Comic Con

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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“My favorite part of Comic Con? The groupies.” –Joss Whedon | Reply for free or see more “I Saw You” posts at alibi.com/personals.

Photo opp @ Comic Con

You: the best likeness of Wonder Woman ever!! Lynda Carter would be jealous! Me: at work but on break. We had our photo taken with Supergirl yesterday (1/10). Loved your subtle lean toward me in the photos, but it looked like you might have been there with Batman… Or might you be single?? Was too shy to strike up a conversation but would love a "take two." Mention what my "costume" was so I know it’s you. And thanks for making my day 🙂
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I saw you on a starry, starry night…

I remember you, Katherine GP. "That poor girl, tossed by the tides of misfortune, barely here to tell her tale…" See you on the other side, my dear friend. 05/05/1968—12/31/2014.
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