“Build It, Or They Will Leave”

Mayor Marty'S Latest Attempt To Ram His Stupid Arena Down Your Throat

Michael Henningsen
2 min read
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Earlier today, Downtown Action Team president Luisa Casso issued an “emergency” press release, claiming that the fate of the New Mexico Scorpions (a semi-pro hockey team based here in Albuquerque) rests in the hands of the community.

The story goes like this: The Scorpions franchise has been sold to William Dutton, the same William Dutton who happens to be the director for Arena Management and Construction, a firm that happens to be working with DAT to push Mayor Chavez' arena-building agenda, which is likely just the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to the sneaky stuff Marty has up his sleeve to ensure himself another term when he comes up for re-elect ion later this year. Now that Dutton, the same guy who gets paid to be pro-arena and see that the project is approved and completed, owns the freaking team that's purportedly going to play in it, Casso on behalf of DAT had this to say: “ IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO LOSE ANOTHER PROFESSIONAL SPORTS TEAM, YOU MUST MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD. The Albuquerque City Council, Mayor Martin Chavez, the Bernalillo County Commission and Governor Richardson must know YOU support an arena in Albuquerque. Without a new arena in the Albuquerque area, the Scorpions will most likely HAVE TO LEAVE THE CITY.”

Oooh! We'd hate for that to happen! I mean, Scorpions hockey is such a huge source of revenue for the city, not to mention an important fellowship-building entity for the community. Gimme a break.

Frankly, hockey at any level other than the National Hockey League sucks ass. And hardly anybody outside major metro areas with really cold weather ever watched NHL games when they were actually being played in the first place. This is the desert. This is Albuquerque. Nobody but the Scorpions' team members and anyone who makes money from the team, and the Mayor and those who are pathetically loyal to him and his arena scheme give a shit about the Scorpions or hockey.

Let 'em leave, and let 'em build an unnecessary arena in some other city so its mayor can expand his legacy while older buildings rot and cave in on themselves.

Yeah, I was all for rebuilding the old Albuquerque Dukes Stadium, so I'm a hypocrite some of you might say. That was different. That was baseball.

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