Long Live Rocksquawk.com!

The Site Remains The Same ...

Michael Henningsen
2 min read
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Although no contracts have been inked just yet, Weekly Alibi has negotiated a deal with Dandee Fleming to take over and administer RockSquawk.com, the local music scene site Fleming started four years ago and intended to shut down as of March 22. As you'll read in tomorrow's Alibi music section, RockSquawk.com has been an invaluable resource for local musicians of almost every genre—a cyberplace where people could go to air their grievances, buy or sell gear, read about upcoming shows or replace their shitty drummer.

The idea to buy the site rather than let it die was born when Alibi Calendars Editor suggested that, in the absence of RockSquawk, we should consider starting our own version. From there, it eventually occurred to us that, because RockSquawk.com is already established, familiar, easy to navigate and rather brilliantly put together, it might be in everyone's best interest to buy the site and leave it as-is.

And that's part of the deal we eventually made with Fleming: no aspect of RockSquawk.com will change. The URL, current look and all other aspects and elements of the RockSquawk will remain the same local musicians and supporters have come to love will remain untouched. and you won't have to enter the Alibi website to gain access to RockSquawk.com, either. Furthermore, I, personally, will have absolutely nothing to do with monitoring the site, so you'll be free to post all that nasty Michael Henningsen shit you want without fear of censorship (just don't use racial slurs, reference child pornography or recklessly slander anyone and we'll all be happy campers).

No re-launch date has yet been agreed upon, but we'll keep you posted. Everything that was on the site when it was taken down will be there when it comes back online, so many of you will simply be able to pick up where you left off. Long live RockSquawk.com, and many thanks to Dandee Fleming for his continuing efforts to make the Burque music scene better!

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