Best Of Burque 2017: Civic City

Best City Politician To Get A Pat On The Back

August March
3 min read
politician dog
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Mayor Richard Berry was way ahead of the pack in this category. Clearly his visionary infrastructure programs like ART as well as investments to the tune of $300 million to build up Downtown have convinced Alibi readers that hizzoner means business. And with Berry-launched initiatives like partnerships with the University of New Mexico and nearly 300 quality of life programs begun and sustained through his tenure, Berry certainly deserves a pat on the back.

2) Pat Davis

3) Michelle Lujan Grisham

Best Of Burque 2017 Best City Politician To Get A Punch In The Nose

Or maybe the current mayor deserves a punch in the nose. Although we don’t recommend it and would never advocate violence, our readers voted on this hypothetical scenario and determined, again by a sizable margin, that Berry was their man. Maybe it had something to do with the APD debacle or the ART debacle or the stagnant economy debacle or the crime on the streets debacle (which may be part of the APD debacle, but you get my drift).

2) Susana Martinez

Best Of Burque 2017 Best Citywide/Statewide Scandal

During a big meeting of big Republicans at a big hotel in the big city of Santa Fe, our current governor, no doubt feeling the agency and political capital that comes from being part of such a Grand Old Party, allegedly committed verbal abuse upon hotel staff and security, had a run-in with the commander of the State Police and commented blithely, authoritatively—and perhaps, again allegedly, drunkenly—about the pizza party going on in her private suite. The resulting brouhaha, termed “Pizzagate” by the media, was voted a top scandal by Alibi readers for a second year in a row.

2) ART Project

Best Of Burque 2017 Best Use Of City Money

Some Alibi readers are preparing to engage the future by limiting their driving—consequently deconstructing the American mythos of the automobile and its historic pathways. They’re leaving the past behind and embracing public transportation. As voters they see the ART project as the first, well-spent step forward toward a more community-oriented future where taking the bus is not only commonplace but also the preferred method of getting around town.

2) Open Space, Parks, Rec

3) Helping the Homeless

Best Of Burque 2017 Best Waste Of City Money

Contrariwise, ART is the single biggest waste of money encountered by Burqueños since someone decided that building a high rise on the corner of San Mateo and Central would result in a sustainably upscale culture transplanting itself onto a particularly windswept portion of the lower Heights. Opponents claim there will be nothing left when the ART buses start running, if they ever do.
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