Best Of Burque 2005

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Sure, you might've lost at “Jeopardy,” baby, but don't let that get you down. If you beat out the competition in this year's Best of Burque contest, that's more than enough glory for anyone. As you already know, Alibi readers have the most discriminating tastes, and if they discriminated in your favor, then you won what's behind Door No. 2. Let's see what's behind Door No. 2, Bob.

Oh my God! Can you believe it? What have we here?

It's a digital laser-guided can opener from your friends at Diginane, retailing at $139.99. We also have a full-length javelina pelt coat tailored by Southwest Poseurs, retailing at $259.99. Not enough, Bob? Well, then what do you say to an all-expense paid trip for two to lovely Española, N.M., where you and your sweetie will spend an entire fun-filled week luxuriating in the renowned Imperial Suite located in the basement of Española's five-star Motel 6. We've even thrown in all the fine dining you can eat at the Dairy Queen across the street.

Yeah, all right, this isn't “Let's Make a Deal.” If you won one or more of our Best of Burque categories, you're really just getting a highly prized Alibi certificate commemorating your triumph. That doesn't make victory any less sweet, though, does it?

More Alibi readers than ever voted in this year's contest, a larger percentage of our fine city than ever before. If you want to know where to find the best of the best that our city has to offer—from politics to art to grub to movies to jewelry to lord only knows what else—you really need look no further than this, our biggest, baddest issue of the year.

Thanks to all of you who took the time out of your busy lives to vote, with the exception, of course, of those who attempted to stuff the ballot box. (Have you no shame, ballot stuffers? Have you no respect for the proud, honest traditions of American democracy? Anyway, we caught you, y'filthy buggers. You can't pull that kind of thing on us.)

Extra minty double scoop of gratitude to everyone who worked on this monster issue: Martin Candelaria, Simon Blair, Stephanie Garcia, Laura Marrich, Christie Chisholm, Tom Nayder, Kyle Silfer, Tim McGivern, Gwyneth Doland and Steven Robert Allen. Y'all are good people.

Now, finally, we present to you the esteemed winners of the Alibi's Best of Burque 2005. Spin that wheel, baby!

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