What is the deal with this Don Schrader? Although your department listing does not include him as a "contributing writer," it might as well; he seems to have carte blanche to air his screeds. He offers himself as a mahatma, but he only comes across as a jerk. Lest it be thought, given his oft-stated proclivities, that I’m a jilted paramour, I am not; I’m a regular ("creative") person who wonders why this guy gets press.
Letters: I Love A Parade! I Love A Parade!
Oh, I do hope Donald Trump is able to get a military parade for himself, and I suppose the nation. I hope he decides to negotiate subcontracting the parade arrangements with N. Korea. They have some impressive high steppers in their parade ranks, and the phallic missiles, that’ll make the public forget about small hands. Here I’d thought that Trump was simply self-serving and generally clueless but he has redeemed himself with the parade initiative. We do live in the best of times.
Letters: Students Call Out Journal Students Call Out Journal
This is the letter the Albuquerque High newspaper sent to the Albuquerque Journal concerning their latest political cartoon [Feb. 7, 2018]:As the Albuquerque High newspaper class, which publishes the AHS Record; the oldest continuously published school newspaper in New Mexico, we are shocked at the publication of yesterday’s [Feb. 7, 2018] political cartoon depicting immigrants as gang members, suicide bombers and muggers without context or explanation. We realize that the cartoon might have been sarcastic, but we cannot see clear evidence of intent. Publishing this sort of cartoon and then supplying this material to a high school such as ours which is not only diverse (86% minority) but seriously affected by the current immigration hysteria, is both unethical and for most of us, immoral. We expect an explanation either in print or directly to us as to how such a lapse can happen in a city like Albuquerque and a state like New Mexico.
Letters: Studying The Southwest Studying The Southwest
I am a student at Cascade Christian Schools, and I am writing a report on the state of New Mexico. We are responsible for gathering as much information as we can about your state. If any of your readers would like to help me by sending any pictures, postcards, used license plates, facts, products, etc. from your state, it would be greatly appreciated!Thank you very much.
Letters: Haiku For Marjory Stoneman Douglas High Haiku For Marjory Stoneman Douglas High
sudden screaming runon brass blood linoleumwhistling mad death class
Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via email to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.