Commute: Biking Burque With Cruiser Crush

The City Is Crawling With Bicycles …And It’s Fabulous!

Cruiser Crush
5 min read
Biking Burque with Cruiser Crush
Alibi ad—to find where I was going (R. Chavez)
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There’s one list we are on that Albuquerque is not at the bottom of and that’s biking! If you have never biked Albuquerque you do not know what you are missing. We have an expansive bike system that is growing larger every day. And with fine Albuquerque weather, we also have the perfect riding conditions.

I have a crush on my cruiser. She’s pretty in pink and maybe one day you’ll meet her. Her name is Penelope, but you can call her Penny. Penny and I just moved here not long ago from Santa Fe, a place I consider to be bike friendly with many biking options. But I live here now and I want to get involved.

For instance, this week was bike week. On Friday four of my co-workers and I all biked to work for the 2018 Bike to Work Day put on by the City of Albuquerque. From my vantage point it seemed to be a huge success. The sun was shining and the winds were low as I started off to work and my first bike stop. I was shocked; there were bicycles on almost every corner.

Uptown Transit Center is the closest to where I live, just two miles from home and the first stop along my route. I was pleasantly surprised to see so many people out and about. Some all decked out and experienced and others,
Freds, looking to join the community. It was fabulous, and did I mention all the schwag!

I walked away with a really cool t-shirt, a much needed patch kit, the perfect reflective vest, stickers and so much more. They even sported coffee and fruit to keep everyone fueled up. I talked and mingled for a bit before setting off for my next destination.

Nob Hill at Carlisle and Silver was where I headed next. When I arrived they had pretty much the same to offer with the addition of a great bag/pack that I can’t wait to use to go to the farmer’s market.

I almost forgot, at each stop there was someone to help with what ever ailed your bike, complete with stand and tools. Unfortunately, I only had time for two stops before work. The event only lasted from 6:30am to 8:30am. Maybe next year the hours will be longer for even greater participation.

For me, riding to work doesn’t just happen once a year. I try to bike to work everyday. Waking up and riding first thing in the morning sets the stage for the whole day. Exercise is of course a natural energy and mood lifter, and summer is the perfect time to start developing that routine.

Burque offers many opportunities to get out and ride, from group rides with like-minded folks to races with competition, beautiful trails that follow our green belt to rugged mountain bike trails that challenge the most experienced, it’s just waiting for you to get out there.

Now, like I said, I’m new. So I’m going to share with you what I find. And it seems I have found quite a few groups and ride ideas for this upcoming week. It’s my plan to attend these rides as often as I can and relay what my experience is and what you can expect when you decide to come along.

I love biking. It’s my passion. So, I am on a quest to find the coolest, most fun and exciting bike experiences the city has to offer. I’m inviting you to come along and discover biking in Burque with me. I will fill you in on all the group rides I can find, tell you where you can get your bike fixed, teach you how to be safe while riding and anything else that has me flying down the streets of Albuquerque with unlimited miles per gallon.

Here are my suggestions for this week:


Bikeburque—A Facebook group for anyone who loves riding bicycles in and around the city.

BikeABQ—Another Facebook group whose mission is to create and preserve safe biking environments in Albuquerque.

CriticalMass—A group of riders of all levels who ride out in the streets of Albuquerque for an evening ride the last Friday of each month.

AlbuquerqueLoops—A group of like-minded folks who ride the streets of Albuquerque on the second Thursday of the month.

Upcoming Rides

Santa Fe Century—Sunday, May 20, 7AM—The annual 100-mile bike ride from Santa Fe around the Galisteo loop.

Sunday Morning Bike Ride—Sunday, May 20 at 8:30AM—An all levels ride every Sunday morning starting at the Old Town Farm for a leisurely 15-mile ride.

Albuquerque Mountain Bike Association—Monday, May 21, 5:30PM—A moderate, B-level ride for Moderate fitness and intermittent technical features, anything advanced can be walked.

Thirsty Thursday—Thursday, May 24, 6PM—A social ride (13-14 mph avg.) to grab a beer and something to eat after.

I am looking forward to checking out these groups and a couple of the rides. I am riding the 50-mile portion of the Santa Fe Century on Sunday and am going to attempt to attend Thirsty Thursday. If you see me out, say hi, and let’s ride. Together we can uncover the hidden gem that is Biking Burque.
Biking Burque with Cruiser Crush

Schwag!!!—2018 Bike to Work Day

R. Chavez

Biking Burque with Cruiser Crush

2018 Bike to Work Day

R. Chavez

Biking Burque with Cruiser Crush

Biking with Friends

R. Chavez

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