The 10 Stupidest Star Wars Character Names

Devin D. O'Leary
1 min read
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Toonbuck Toora (Episode I–Phantom Menace)

Dexter Jettster (Episode II–Attack of the Clones)

Elan Sleazebaggano (Episode II–Attack of the Clones)

Kit Fisto (Episode II–Attack of the Clones)

Nute Gunray (Episode III–Revenge of the Sith)

Droopy McCool (Episode VI–Return of the Jedi)

Mon Mothma (Episode VI–Return of the Jedi)

Pote Snitkin (Episode VI–Return of the Jedi)

Sy Snootles (Episode VI–Return of the Jedi)

Joh Yowza (Episode VI–Return of the Jedi)

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