Odds & Ends

Odds & Ends

Joshua Lee
5 min read
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Dateline: Kansas

uthorities who responded to a bomb threat at a Home Depot were surprised to find the “bomb” in question was merely a bowel movement. According to KWCH in Kansas, an employee at a Wichita Home Depot called 911 last week to report a bomb threat. “We just had a customer here made what may have been a bomb threat,” they told the dispatcher. “He said, ‘Somebody told me there’s a bomb in here and you need to leave the building.’ He said it three times.” Police were sent to the location, where a witness told them the threat had been made in the restroom. According to witnesses, a man entered a stall in the restroom and then loudly announced to the other occupants, “You all need to get out of here because I’m fixin’ to blow it up.” One witness told police that he had assumed it was a joke and laughed. Upon further investigation, officers were able to find the man in question, and it was learned that he had been referring to a particularly intense bowel movement and not an incendiary device. Last year a similar situation occurred in New Orleans, La., involving a man who was arrested at a chicken restaurant for allegedly telling staff that he was going to leave a bomb on one of the restaurant’s tables. When he was apprehended, he told police he’d been talking about using the restroom, although a spokesperson for Willie’s Chicken Shack pointed out that at no time following the suspect’s statement did he attempt to use the facilities.

Dateline: United Kingdom

A resident of the small Sussex town of Newhaven is pleading with the local council to erect a statue of rapper Eazy-E.
The Argus reports NWA fan Guy Stevens approached the council last week to propose that Eazy-E, who died over 20 years ago, be honored for his achievements with a monument on city property. According to Stevens, the site would become a tourist attraction. “I think it would be unique, it would stand out, and would be eccentric,” he said. “It would add to the town and bring some interest.” He also mentioned that since Eazy-E died of complications due to AIDS, the memorial would raise awareness of “things like sexual health.” He went on to call the rapper a “legend” and bemoaned the town’s lack of quality landmarks. “Just do it,” he told the council. “Get a statue or a plaque up. Why not? You just wasted money on a bandstand on Denton Island no one cares about so why not an Eazy-E memorial?” Stevens claimed to have posted an online poll concerning the idea which resulted in 60 percent win for those in favor of the monument. The council appeared to be confused by the request and reportedly said it had “no idea who Eazy-E is.” Deputy mayor of Newhaven Graham Amy said, “I’ve lived all of my life in Newhaven and I’ve never heard of him—not a clue.” He said if he had his way, statues of The Beatles would be erected instead. Stevens responded by saying The Beatles “suck.” The council has not formally responded to Stevens’ request.

Dateline: Connecticut

A woman was seriously injured last week after mistaking a stick of dynamite for a candle. According to
Fox-61 in Connecticut, a Bridgeport street lost power last week, prompting a family to seek out emergency lights at a Home Depot. The store was closed, however, and they reportedly remembered seeing what they thought were candles left in the basement of their home by its previous owner. Police officials say the family returned to their home, where the mother lit what she believed to be a candle. The “candle” was, in fact, a quarter stick of dynamite which exploded in her hand, causing extreme injury which could result in the loss of more than one fingers. The woman’s face was also seriously injured during the blast. Her husband and two children were unhurt. Police searched the family’s house and found one other explosive. It was removed and later detonated by state police. As a precaution, authorities searched neighboring homes as well, but found no other explosive devices. Police are calling the incident a “tragic accident” and will not be charging the homeowners with possession of an illegal explosive.

Dateline: Principality of Hutt River

Prince Leonard, founder and once-sovereign ruler of the Principality of Hutt River has died at the age of 93.
The West Australian reports confirmation was received last week that the prince died in his sleep after living with emphysema for 20 years. He had been admitted to St John of God Hospital in Geraldton, Western Australia, with a severe chest infection earlier in the month. Prince Leonard ruled the Principality of Hutt River for 47 years before abdicating his throne in 2017. The current monarch of the micronation is his youngest son, Prince Graeme. The principality—located near Northampton, Western Australia—was founded in 1970 when Leonard Casley declared his farm an independent province over a dispute about wheat production quotas. The micronation, which has its own currency, stamps and passports, has become a major tourist attraction. The Principality’s Acting Minister for Electronic Communications Lord Steven Baikie said the nation’s border will be closed for three weeks. A service for Prince Leonard will be held at a later date.

Compiled by Joshua Lee. Email your weird news to josh@alibi.com.

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