Critiqued By Thieves

Steven Robert Allen
1 min read
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How's this for an innovative way to review an exhibit? A couple weeks ago, some anonymous dirtbags broke into the Nob Hill Gallery, an artist cooperative located at 3015 Monte Vista NE. They didn't take the computer. They didn't take cash. Instead they took several works of art, and they were pretty damn picky about their selections.

For example, they preferred jewelry created by Kathy Ball and Terry Helmer. They also nabbed paintings by Mary Gray, Bob Wirz, Peggathy Gabriel and Robert Vigil. But they didn't just take any old paintings. They didn't even take the most expensive paintings. Nor did they steal the paintings that were easiest to access. For whatever reason, all 13 of the stolen works were abstract, showing that these thieves have a taste for the contemporary.

Who should feel worse—the artists whose work was stolen, or the artists whose work was ignored? If you know anything about this burglary, call the Nob Hill Gallery at 268-9969.M

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