Pops And Corps

Laura Sanchez
2 min read
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On Oct. 17, subdued councilors met after the recent, balance-shifting municipal election. Not that party labels have meant much recently, with a Democratic mayor depending on Republicans for automatic support. Maybe more appropriate, if oversimplified, categories would be “Corporatists” versus “Populists.” The Alibi waits with great interest to see whether the city will now get more Pop grassroots or more Corp trickledown.

After revisions forced by an ACLU challenge, Councilor Craig Loy’s bill requiring cameras at intersections to catch drivers running red lights passed unanimously. The new bill drops the $50 administrative fee for alleged violators, and it allows citations to be reissued to someone other than the vehicle’s owner if the other person was driving.

Councilor Eric Griego introduced a blizzard of bills before his unsuccessful mayoral run. His bill calling for better bus services for handicapped people passed unanimously. Another bill establishing a Department of Youth passed 5-4, Councilors Tina Cummins, Sally Mayer, Loy and Michael Cadigan opposed. Griego called for second hearings on bills promoting wireless facilities for the city and a Martineztown community center.

Griego’s bill prioritizing Southwest Mesa needs and Westside traffic planning drew support only from Griego and Councilors Martin Heinrich, Debbie O’Malley and Miguel Gómez, failing to override a mayoral veto.

Council Watch

Send your comments about the City Council to laura@alibi.com.

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