Nonperishable items
Foods you like to eat
Cash (for each $1 you donate, Roadrunner can distribute $16 worth of food!)
Some of the most-needed items are:
Canned meat, canned vegetables, canned fruit, macaroni and cheese, cereal, sugar, pastas, soups, canned entrees, boxed meals, cooking oil, dried pinto beans, peanut butter and rice
Foods for kids can include:
Pudding cups, peanut butter crackers, chocolate milk (boxed), granola bars, beans and wieners (pop top can), applesauce, Vienna sausage, animal crackers, boxed juices, raisins, chicken noodle soup, macaroni and cheese, individual boxes of cereal, cheez ’n' breadsticks
Home-canned or jarred products (I think this poses a health risk)
Cans without labels. All donations must be in their original packaging with proper labels
Opened products
When possible, plastic containers are preferable to glass ones
Perishable foods are accepted only at the food bank location (2645 Baylor SE, 247-2052)
Frozen items or fresh produce are accepted at American Home (corner of Carlisle and Menaul) only from Nov. 12-19.
I also suggest you visit the Roadrunner Food Bank website at for more useful giving information, hunger statistics, volunteer opportunities and more.
Remember—you can make a difference!