Puppy Love

Christie Chisholm
1 min read
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Here’s something random for you: Last night I had the most delightful dream. It was all about a puppy. I mention this because I’m not sure I’ve had such an innocent nighttime fantasy since I finally put away my My Little Ponies, once and for all. It seems like most dreams nowadays are of the more mature sort—they’re usually about a deadline at work or the end of the world or the cute guy who works at the coffee shop—but hardly ever about puppies. What a beautiful thing. Specifically, my dream was about a Keeshond puppy—and it is my personal opinion, after being born into a household with two of them and always having at least one around throughout my life, that they are the most marvelous creatures with four legs to ever lick my face. The puppy versions are just little balls of fluff. Adorable. Here’s to reliving childhood dreams.
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