Pandora'S Box O' Goodies

Amy Dalness
2 min read
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I hate downloading music, even if I pay for it and it’s totally legal. I get bogged down by the idea of searching through pages and pages of music, picking songs from new artists that I may, or may not, like. Discovering new musicians and bands is something I crave, and I knew there had to be an easier way to find it than trudging through iTunes.

Some time ago, I remember listening to a web-based radio station on Yahoo called Launch The cool thing about Launch was (or is, cause it technically still exists) that it played music based on ratings you gave various artists or albums, etc. Yeah, it was basically a way for them to peddle new CDs to you with minimal effort and the 20 second ads every few songs got bothersome, but it was worth it to be introduced to different artists without even trying.

Last summer, my friend told me about this Web site called Pandora I didn’t pay attention at first, but what was I thinking?!? This Web site gives me the same experience as that old-fangled Launch did, but without the 20-second commercials or CD ad campaigns. If you don’t mind a few colorful, not-too-obtrusive ads that are music-disturbance free, this online radio station is like having your own, personal music expert constantly feeding your noise addiction. I’m keeping a running list of new artists that I won’t mind looking up in iTunes or scoping at Hastings. The best part is the free version doesn’t suck. At least some other people think it’s cool, though it might take a lot of hard drive space to keep it running nicely For a really detailed breakdown on Pandora, check out this thread

What I’m listening to right now: “Bareback” by Daddylonglegs.

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