My First Early Crawl

Marisa Demarco
2 min read
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I’m a big fan of the Crawl. I’ve been to most of them since I was in high school and all I could do was look longingly on at the over-21 events. Of course, the street fare, the buzz, the music audible from venues I wasn’t old enough to get into were enough to keep me coming back every time with a crew of fellow under-21ers for merriment and, always, street vendor hot dogs that are just the right kind of nasty.

But I never went early. Always we’d show up in the thick of it, around 10 p.m., which is when most weekend warriors get their evenings started.

This time, I had to show up at 6 p.m. for a set, and I realized I have been wasting an excellent opportunity. As soon as the Crawl opens, the energy is in place. The best part about the pre-rush hours is the chance to do what the Crawl means for you to do: Wander around and see great musicians. Sample some of the best music this city’s birthed. It’s lovely. You can get a drink pretty quickly at 6 p.m. (I’m of drinking age now), and there are no lines. You can check out a band and, if you wish, move on to see another band just 15 minutes later.

I strongly recommend crawlers add that extra couple hours on to the beginning of their evening. It’s the best part. There’s always room for the perfect Polish sausage later, after your alcohol-soaked digestive system begins demanding substance.
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