The Best Part Of Waking Up ...

The Best Part Of Waking Up ...

Amy Dalness
1 min read
Forget espresso ... give me nebulas!
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Forget coffee, nicotine or ginseng to get me started—I need a healthy dose of science to get my brain working in the wee hours of the morn. I don’t know how I came upon these awesome web sites, but I do know that they have become part of my daily Internet quota. The Astronomy Picture of the Day gives me a glimpse of the worlds beyond our world, both humbling my existence and giving me the daily-recommended serving of appreciation for our beautiful universe. Stepping down a scale, the Earth Science Picture of the Day gives me my vitamin terra. Today’s picture is especially awakening and features a super-cute (and rare) animal. It might not be as good as a vanilla-non-fat-double latte, but it sure is healthier.
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