
Abi Blueher
2 min read
Everybody now: Let’s do the Chainsaw Shuffle.
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Some see it splatter on a wall and think, “the poor guy,” or “thank god the zombie is dead,” or “that wasn’t necessary.” I critique its color, consistency and spray pattern. Theatrical blood. It is a huge part of my life, and ever since I learned how to make it, I have become determined to master it. While watching, for example, Taxi Driv er, I stop paying attention to what is going on in the movie and critique the gore. Taxi Driver ’s blood was a bit disappointing. When it got on De Niro’s face it was too translucent, it was runny and watery, but when he shot—I forget who it was—in the face, the impact of each bullet was seen. Kudos to that. Harvey Keitel, aka “Sport” in Taxi Driver , is in a movie that is worth seeing for the gore, not for its content. The movie is Fingers and it has the best gore I have seen in a good while. One shot is of his father who he finds on the floor, brains blown out. The color and consistency is close to perfect. The other scene is when Keitel shoots a guy lying on the floor in the face, the eye to be specific, and there is a shot of the guy’s face and the ground below it. Amazing. In this scene, they show Keitel’s face as he shoots the guy and the blood spraying up onto it. The color is just right and it runs down his face at the right rate. Whoever worked on gore for this movie is my new hero.

The reason I think so much about gore and pay too much attention to it in movies is because for the past two years I have been making blood, gore and some vomit for various theater productions around town. Once you get into the blood-making business (or hobby), you become obsessed with it, perfecting it. I often refer to this website to inspire me for new blood recipes. By the way, I am not a fan of violence by any means; I’m just a bit obsessed with the art of making blood.
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