Webgame Wednesday

Amy Dalness
2 min read
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There are two things Webgame Wednesday lacks: A theme song and a disclaimer. I tried writing a theme song some time ago, but it didn’t catch on. Something about a text-based blog without audio … The disclaimer I’ve never tried, so here it goes:

Webgame Wednesday is highly addicted and should be utilized with caution. Please be sure not to play webgames while in the presence of bosses, workaholics or tattletales. The publishers of this website and its writers take no responsibly for time spent playing recommended games, which should be played with great care and attention. Remember to take everything in moderation, even webgames.

Castle—This is one of those point-and-click discovery games that requires no skill or reflexes—just click on things and see what happens. This kind of stuff reminds me of what a wonderful, creative world we live in.

Dotville—You are a dot, a dot with a dream. A dream to be emperor of Dotville and crush your square enemies. You do this by leveling up your city through strategic use of taxes, food rations, fortress building and economy management. Getting to the upper levels takes a little while, but who’s to say you can’t just keep the game minimized while you work and play a few rounds every 10 minutes or so?
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