Cryptid Alert! Bigfoot Body!

Nick Brown
1 min read
Cryptid Alert! Bigfoot Body!
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I’ve been sitting on this one for a while, but it’s coming to a boil. A couple of dudes found a dead bigfoot in Georgia and have it on ice. I thought they weren’t going to let anyone see it until September, but I guess they were too excited to wait. Photographs and DNA evidence will be unveiled this Friday at noon by the guys who found the body and yeti mogul Tom Biscardi.

Loren “Can-You-Spare-A-Yeti” Coleman reports this breaking news on his
Cryptomundo site and seems oddly convinced that it may be legit. I hope this one turns out better than the alien video that was getting hyped earlier this summer. Or that whole “Al Capone’s Vault” thing. Or “Ghost Hunters.” Or “The Jetsons.”
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