70 Percent Of The Military Is Cool With Ending Dadt

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
70 percent of the military is cool with ending DADT
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This afternoon, the Pentagon released a study showing that most servicemembers are fine with allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly. About 70 percent of the military said repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell would have a positive effect, a mixed effect or no effect at all.

A poll earlier this month revealed that
58 percent of Americans support an end to the rule, too. President Obama says, “With our nation at war and so many Americans serving on the front lines, our troops and their families deserve the certainty that can only come when an act of Congress ends this discriminatory policy once and for all.”

Sen. John McCain and other top Republicans say the
report is flawed.

Alibi spoke with Lt. Col. Steve Loomis about this issue earlier in November. He offered suggestions for how the change should be implemented. Earlier this year, we spoke with New Mexico’s congressmen about their positions on the matter.
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