A Bum Kiss To (Most Of) My Lovely Colleagues

Steven Robert Allen
1 min read
This guy works in the Alibi ’s sales department. He’s really annoying.
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The Alibi had its holiday party last night. As usual, it was a ton of fun—a nice reminder of how lucky I am to work with such a fine, funny bunch of people. (Except for that one guy … man, he gets under my skin.)

Anyway, we did this complicated gift exchange called the Yankee Doodle Switcheroo, or something like that. I still don’t completely understand the rules. I just did what I was told and walked away with this nifty mini remote control car.

So far, I’ve been unsuccessful in getting it to work, though. And the bilingual instructions (Chinese and English) don’t help.

Perhaps someone can help me decipher this:

1) Four passages, many functions, can make the every kind of stunt action of vacillating etc.

2) The inside places to have 2 the section can refresh the battery.

3) The bedrock establishes to refresh the socket, and can directly refresh on the car.

Is that delicious Vogon poetry or what?
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