1. In the U.K. (and I would imagine the number is similar over the globe), one in six couples will have to undergo medical testing to see if they have the ability to have children.
2. It's far less invasive to test a man first than to test a woman for fertility.
3. Men don't usually like to go to the doctor to have their sperm tested—kind of threatens the whole “strong, virile male” thing they've got going (not that it should threaten it, but it usually does, all the same).
4. Most couples are told to wait a year while trying to conceive before coming in for testing, yet age is a crucial factor in conception, and a year could make all the difference.
5. This is just one more advance that aids in sexual empowerment.
Until this product slinks its way over the U.S., you can find out more about it here http://www.fertell.co.uk/, and can purchase it online here http://www.boots.com/shop/product_details.jsp?productid=1068097.
Happy swimming.